Monday 14 June 2010

Estonia least religious country in the world...

I have spoken about this a lot before but up to now the only statistics i have had to link to are in estonian not a problem for me but hard to use for others..

Check this link out for an indication of how much religion (not just Christianity) is important to Estonians or rather how marginalised religion is in Estonia...

(Interestingly a survey of 1000 people is more representative the smaller the country considering the size of Estonia its a biiig sample)

Sunday 6 June 2010

Thoughts about May... June... July... August

May in a paragraph...
Arrived back from Canada --> Bibledays (awesome time) --> youthAlpha X2 ---> planning meeting for next bibledays---> planning meetings with Norwegian ywamers about august camps in Lõpe and Vandra--- > Social regeneration project in Lõpe with swedes ---> Youth meeting with Tallinn and Tartu youth groups ----> Baptisms ---> the place (youth outreach show) ---->  prep for Gig with worship band in shopping centre for child protection day (01.06)

So May is done gone finished, June is here summer was here more in May to be honest and now we have 3 months of madness June we have this week to sort everything out for Alari and Katrins return from Canada one week without any guests from abroad then until mid July back to back visitors :) summer is great fun then next set of guests UKx10 they are here for a week then Norway x 60 then Kata and Jott get married sister in law and new brother in law-in law...

Then August the BIIIIIG outreach village tour for at least 2 weeks... Pray for energy, rest and resources for the summer especially resources/support for the tour we are aiming for 14 villages x roughly 100 people (1400 people for the mathematically challenged) who will all be served with a quality musical event and all hear the good news, get healing, get direction & if all goes according to plan start to follow Jesus and get connected to a local church...

If you feel like you would like to help financially or with some kind practical help please get in touch we love that we are not in this alone being here and look forward to this summer of mission...