Thursday 22 March 2007


OK so i am not going to go into detail about anything for a while but i have experienced a massive answer to prayer and i am plain and simple over the moon, God is Good...

Pray for Wisdom, Guidance and that things will work out well these next few days as its a bit of a crunch time potentailly...

In other news... The Place Prep is kinda scaring me a bit.. we have the ideas solidly in place for the video but ideas are not a fun part of a show without the work being put in to make them a reality... long story short we have had some actor fatigue a lack of a camera and now one actor/director/camera arranger hanging out in Tallinn "Because its fun!" not seeming to appreciate that a week is not long enough to edit 4 videos...
Its also a little bit scary right now because the place always tends to pull together at the last minute which is never anything but nerve-racking and this time even more so.. no-one has so far done what the intended as far as i know so i guess we will be having a meeting soon to check people still intend to get everything done as for me i am going to be stuck behind my laptop for a week as soon as i get myself stuck behind a camera (which we still dont have) for a day
On the topic of the posters i have done them.. i am not that lazy the only problem is i have produced 4 posters so far each being admired for its beauty but in some way felt to be flawed enough to warrant a re-design so i am currently re-working the latest which will be printing at the weekend for deffinite...

Well Pray for me as much as you can,

God Bless


Wednesday 14 March 2007

Almost 2 weeks... Oops...

Right ok so i kinda promised to keep this much more up to date and well.. umm.. yeah that hasnt gone too well just lately... sorry about that.. Google is telling me 9 people looked here last week.. so especially sorry to you if that was you...
OK So anyway whats been going on the last few weeks?.. I have mostly been working on various different bits and bobs for "the place" which is now only a few weeks away.. the posters and flyers are going to print soon and we are shooting videos from tommorow meaning last minute speed editing again :( the newsletter i mentioned before is finished and being checked over by elders just incase they dont like my tone or i missed anything important etc...
But all going well that should soon be going out to various places in england and america i will keep people up to date and once its all approved i will whack it up on the web somewhere and point you all in the right direction (hopefully)
I am going to break with convention a little bit today and not be so exhaustive... partly at least because i am... (exhausted that is) and partly because its been so long i cant remember that level of detail... needless to say the last few weeks have been fun and followed pretty simalar patterns to the weeks previously...
But just for fun lets talk abit about my recent media consumption...
A few films i have recently diggested lately...

Children of Men (2006) - Utter tripe dont watch it unless you get forced to...
Hot Fuzz (2007) - Very very good, bit violent colourfull language but very very funny...
The Nativity Story (2006) - Decent, nicely done (think the passion minus stomach turning excessive violence)

some music which i am currently a bit addicted to includes...
Mute Math, Brand new, Anberlins new album and Relient K's latest offering... check them out :)
I will update sooner than last time next time i promise...
God Bless


Helver, Taaniel & Kairi (awwwwww)