Thursday 3 May 2007

Time consuming business

OK so the last week i have been fairly busy... i made it to Sweden by the grace of God and the support of some excellent people and Scandinavian airways (i will explain later) and got back on Thursday last week, had a school tour on Friday to promote bible days (a multi-denominational gathering of christian young people which happens yearly (this was my 3rd))
We performed on Saturday and will be uploading the video at some point today the show was awesome we finished with amazing grace a rocked up but very congregational version with the crowd 5-7hundred young people singing on long after we left the stage.. for an encore we prayed for everyone from the stage...
So anyway Sweden first i guess, i had a brilliant time in Sweden really beautiful place and i got to see my really beautiful fiancée... oh yeah.. i proposed to Maarja while i was out there.. and she said yes :D
Which brings me nicely onto what is oh so time consuming... wedding preparation, not that i am complaining i am 100% over the moon to be spending time designing invites making clever spreadsheets on Google documents and sending out e-invites watch your inbox :D but its all filling up my day quite nicely...
Scandinavian Airways saved me from bankrupting myself to get to Sweden and buy a ring by overfilling my flight and taking volunteers to take the next flight one hour later for 250EUR compensation and 75 Swedish Kroons to buy some food in the airport.. Totally a blessing from God.. i was facing going overdrawn to eat this week before i came home to England and bam we are looking for volunteers to take money from us :D cant get much better than that it means my flights to Sweden where effectively including the money i got given by generous friends and relatives free :D

God Bless and see you soon
Paul Davidson

My fiancée Maarja Theresa Allikas