Thursday 8 February 2007

Monday and Tuesday, ehk siis esmaspaev ja teispaev (Ristole :D)..

Hey everyone,
Still no sign of the wallet which is rather a bummer i have been in touch with the police now and the British embassy the later of which actually seemed sorry for me and helpful as apposed to the police who basically told me how stupid i was keeping my wallet in my back pocket and having so much cash on me... (fair comment in a way)
So yeah Monday and Tuesday have been cheap...
On Monday i stayed home in the village searching for my wallet, cancelling cards and catching up on a bit of reading (Organic church is now definitely worthy of a recommendation)
We also had a planning meeting for the Lihula village youth work thing. Me, Tiimar, Alari and Aivar seem to be the team at the moment, it was kind of interesting but i probably should have given a little more input as there are now a few issues bugging me... as in i would quite like a musician on the team for worship to happen...
Early night on Monday spent a fair chunk of time contemplating my wallet loss situation not so much wallowing in self pity more just beating myself up about wasting such a chunk of dosh in such a (no doubt) avoidable manner...
Wednesday (yesterday) i went to school with some Norwegians to plug some youth meetings at the church Kenneth works with, Life centre (elu keskus) which are happening tonight tomorrow and Saturday. It was quite good fun hanging out with the Norwegians who were almost all my age and they paid for my lunch which was (very) nice after which i went to the police station and (in Estonian) explained the situation, gracefully accepted the ridicule and wrote down a full report of what happened (which i think i might have future dated by accident :-S)
I went over to get coffee with Maarja and Hanna and then watched some films at Hanna and Risto's place, (the Prestige(which was brilliant) and Nacho Libre(a current favourite of mine)) in the evening i enjoyed a sauna with Karl and a nice cold non-alcoholic beer *blah* its extra cold out here at the moment last night being no exception hair i can confirm does freeze when wet and your feet can lose skin on ice when its cold enough (which it was).. sitting outside (paljas) when its -27 after being in a room of 100degrees is strangely one of my favourite things sitting in the snow looking at the stars unwinding is sublime... Thank you God for snow, stars and sauna...

Tonight i am either going to Torva (where a similar thing to what we are hoping to start in Lihula is already underway) or to the youth meeting with the Norwegians depending on transport situations...

Thanks for you comments and prayers, its nice to know this is not just a soliloquy...

God Bless




Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're up to some interesting things, is The Prestige something to do with magicians? If it is the one I'm thinking of, I quite fancied watching it. Barny won't let me borrow his ski jacket for when I come, how harsh is that? I'm going to have to buy one. Praying about the money situation. x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the wallet, that sucks! Praying for you dude, and it's good to hear that you're getting stuck back into stuff. Rock on rocking out.