Monday 5 February 2007


Hey so things got a bit hectic the last few days so i couldn't update till today, unfortunately in the village where the gig was i couldn't find any Internet or much spare time but i am back in Parnu now so here goes...
Blog news first i guess... i now have google ads on my blog which might generate a bit of finance depending on how many people are actually reading this and how many people see something interesting over on the ads...
On Wednesday i spent a lot of time travelling around to get to the gig i went into town and met some people from this mission team which has kind-of evolved out of the bible college one or more of whom might be forming a team with me to take to a small village and start some kind of youth group then just going back and forth between Papsaare and pets's place packing stuff and being forced at the latter into eating fish soup (not good) so then we jumped on the bus and went to Tallinn ready to pick the guys up from the airport... we hung out a bit and met my Canadian friend Steve in town before going back to his place... At Steve's we watched the latest episode of prison break (very good) and a film called Jesus Camp (worrying) and then went to another friends place to sleep the night ((and watch another film) making a total of 3 films in one day including the one on the bus)
So Thursday we picked up a car and went to the airport and met the band we had flown in from the UK for the gig "Art Ways 2007" the guys from "where on earth" where really cool and we had a great time hanging out the next few days around Tallinn and Kohila into the bargain the guys gave an awesome show despite being really ill, i would recommend them for sure they have myspace and a website and
Friday was the night of the concert which went really well, took me about half the gig to get used to being on stage again but we had great fun and it looked like people enjoyed it which is always good where on earth played as well and where well received i think if we get the opportunity we might invite them back for a slightly longer period put together some tour like last summer but take a second band... we will see
Saturday after taking the band to the airport i hung out in a mall in Tallinn with Kenneth and Maarja which was pretty fun i tried on some funky clothes and Maarja tried on lots of hats while Kenneth refined his preach for the evening... the meeting in the evening was really awesome 7 kids gave their life to god which is just excellent...

In the meeting it really hit me a bit that i really don't know how much longer i am meant to be out here and that i should really stop guessing and inflicting time limits on this, suffice to say when i get back in may the first thing i will be doing is renewing my passport i don't feel i can safely say anymore that the time is right to end my time here...

In considerably worse news i seem to have lost my wallet which is quite a pants situation to be in as it had about 4-5000eek in along with my cards, drivers licence, national insurance, European health insurance and so on...
Pray that it turns up 5000eek(220GBP) is a large chunk of my budget besides which the soonest i can get a new card is at least 2 weeks which could essentially leave me with about 30eek(1.20GBP) for the next 2 weeks = not good

God Bless


Where on Earth doing their thing....


Anonymous said...


good to hear whats been going down. I'll pray for your wallet situation man. What is your address out there? It'd be cool to send you stuff every now and then! You can't beat a care package! Love you tons cuz

Paul Davidson said...

Pilviku 10,
Papsaare K.
Audru V.

i will email you aswel just in case

Anonymous said...

i hope the guy who found your wallet really need some money :)
or maybe he/she will find you the way to give it back to you...
noh ka s sa eesti keeles ei pea blogi kuskil??
peaks juba oskama küll ju!!! :D