Tuesday 27 February 2007

Camp, English people and TheraFlu

So as promised i havent updated for a while and i would just like to take a moment to forewarn you that this blog may not be up to my usual standards in terms of usage of english (not that that means much) basically i am ill, tired and pretty dosed up but we will get to that later...
So since i last (properly)updated...
  • Weds - Went to the gym and learnt i can squat with 130kg on a barbel on my shoulders, started some conceptual stuff towards promotion of the place
  • Thurs - went up to tallinn and hung out with our english visitors (Karina, Kezia Rosie, Emma) for a while and later brought some new shoes...
  • Fri -left Pärnu for the church camp out in the wilderness
  • Sat - church camp with guest speaker Karina Martin, started to get ill and came home with Kris, Krissy and Maarja
  • Sun - church in the afternoon with lots of post camp testimonies, Karina preaching again and lots of general good stuff, Made fire lots to keep the house warm... got slightly more ill
  • Mon - Took Rosie and Emma to town to eat with Karl while Karina and Kezia went skating and horse riding then went home and chilled... got slightly more ill as did Kezia, Karl, Kata and Alari
  • Tues - chilled out at home all day due to illness by this point the whole house was ill! Maarja starting to get better, Alari with a temperature of 38, Me feeling better but looking worse (apparantly) Karl just sleeping and Kata staying locked away in her room
  • Today - went to town thinking i had recovered (and aware we needed more drugs and water at home) and started to finish this entry in a cafe over pizza at which point i realised i had a headache and couldnt focus or finish my pizza so came home and napped for a while...
So yeah, The camp went really well its always so exciting to see things click for people and to have things click personally... The church is really inspiring as despite the age distribution being a bit bizzare (about 6 people where present at the camp over the age of 30 with the vast majority being under 18 (making it seem a bit more like a youth camp)) everyone really works together and the family atmosphere is brilliant, Karina was great and shared some really important messages as well as giving out a fair few prophecies and lots of encouragement (as did Kezia, Rosie and Emma)
It been pretty annoying to be ill and now (tonight) i really do feel over it mostly which is good as we have a consert this weekend i started today to put all of the place videos up onto youtube which finally allowed me to set up an account for Oma Koht so once i have that all in order i will share the link with yourselves, the idea is concrete now for the advert video which we will need to shoot and edit in record time next week and i am setting myself a deadline to complete the posters which are at the moment only an idea and the newsletter tonight however long i have to stay up as i want the newsletter to be able to happen monthly and we wanted to have the posters for the place up well in advance for a change...

If you could find time in your prayers for the health of the household and myself and that i can crack on with things tonight and this weekend that would be much appreciated!

So on that note i am going to love you and leave you (to get cracking on the forementioned)...

God Bless


Hayley, Rosie, Emma, Kata & Maarja in Tallinn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shucks, hope you all feel better soon. Will be praying. England is such an anticlimax but Mum has already agreed to take me on a break back to Estonia at some point! Much love. x