Monday 3 November 2008

Estonia Update (overdue as usual)


As many of you will know we spent much of the summer in the UK for my dads wedding and my brothers 18th! September and October are now past which means you are well overdue an update the good news is we have been really busy here is a what we have been up to since we got back!

  • PowerPlace (youth club):  Since we got back we have been getting back into the rhythm with our little team and leading worship, preaching, praying, planning and the likes, the youth group has grown a little in numbers and some of the young people are really stepping it up and getting much more into God which is awesome!
  • Youth worship band: The youth worship band has been really blessed the last few months the church did its second guest service this time with the youth band leading worship and doing a performance song, in preparation for this the band have been doing 3 practices a week and writing, translating and learning new songs (1 practice a week has been in a professional practice room which we somehow get to use for free (praise God) which has been really really good to get an understanding of where we are at)
  • Sunday mornings: For the weekly meetings Maarja has started doing a church newsletter to help keep the church informed etc the youth band leads worship every week and we occasionally preach the church has been hearing from God lately about a “next level” and chewing over as a family what we can do to take the church to the next level.
  • Small groups: The girls groups are both going nicely and the boys have found a common passion for nerdy computer games (praise God) so the boys group is starting to get together regularly (praise God)
  • Prayer Breakfasts:  Have been faithfully continuing and we have a really good core group of church members get together for fellowship and pancakes every Saturday
  • UK trip: We had a great time in the UK, it was good to catch up with lots of you and my family! While we were over I did wedding photos for my dad who insisted on paying and for the money I somehow managed to get a 800gbp discount on my dream guitar which was such a massive massive blessing  (praise God)
  • The Place (outreach): In October we had the place which is part of the reason for the lateness of this update we had loads of little problems but in the end it all worked out (including glow in the dark dancers) we had about 400-600 young people in the local concert hall! I ended up doing sound! We also had a tight deadline for writing and handing in a project to get financial support for theplace from the council we made it by the skin of our teeth and will find out soon if we will get support for the second year running!
  • Guest meetings: the second guest meeting went well we had around 20 guests and lots of positive feedback the next guest meeting is in 2 weeks and apart from a change of venue everything is coming along nicely
  • Celebrate recovery:  On Thursday evenings we have committed to helping Alari with the running of celebrate recovery with a group of mostly homeless and ex homeless men which is a challenge for us(we enjoy it alot) but is going really well.
  • Personal life: Maarja is working full time with the church (until/unless another non-secular job appears that could work alongside church) and we now have one free day a week (praise God) lately church has been a big blessing and is changing from a place where we give out a lot and don’t get much back from to being a place we really get filled up and encouraged at! (praise God)

 Prayer points for the next month then...

  1. Continued provision (on Gods terms)
  2. PowerPlace is every Friday and prayers that we can provide a place for people to belong and grow in and that we can teach our young people well in, We really want the youth meetings to be filled with the power of God! And to see more and more young people getting off the fence
  3. Prayer Breakfasts are a big step of faith for us as we are feeding a big group when our finances are tight so provision and continued spiritual growth for the church
  4. Health! We have both been ill lately and we can’t really afford medicine on a regular basis (missing the nhs) so it would be great if we could be healed and not fall ill :)
  5. The church is looking into investing for the first time in over 15years in some new sound equipment as the 15yr old second hand sound system is on its way out pray for provision and get in touch if you would like to help the church financially with this…

Please pray about supporting us financially if you feel that might be something you might like to do, Even what may seem like a small amount each month helps us out massively and is a huge blessing to us and the church here, if you feel you would prefer to support specific needs financially in the church please feel free to get in touch about what they might be and how you might help

Thank you for your support and prayers
God Bless

Paul and Maarja Davidson

Karja 1-4

+372 55539978 NEW mobile#

+3724474759 NEW Landline

PS. We are now set up with Stewardship so we can claim gift aid on support given to us and get extra money from the UK government on top of your support! Attached are all the details you need to register to support us via Stewardship!

PPS. Here is our online album


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