Monday 3 November 2008

Estonia and the Salt&Light Nordic Region Conference

Yes i know... My blogs are like buses none for ages and then 2 come at once...

Just a quick one! A prayer request / financial need

On the 20th-22nd of November in Östervåla, Sweden the Salt & Light Nordic Region has a conference! We (Me, Maarja and Alari) would really like to go and strengthen our relationships with Salt & Light churches near to us and see and hear what is going on in Salt & Light in the Nordic/Baltic Region!

We don't have money in our budget to get there the tickets are in total around 60gbp + buses at both ends (roughly 100gbp total)! 

If you feel that you could help us get there please pray about supporting/sending us there! it would be a massive blessing and a wonderful birthday present for us all (Me, Maarja and Alari are all November babies)

God Bless

Paul & Maarja & Alari


Emmerson family said...

'tache envy is a sin but I don't mind! I have trimmed the beast since the pick, it was just far to irritating. Beards rule in winter. It must be pretty cold with you guys right now. Looking forward to your trip over here at Christmas? Love you bro - Dave

Emmerson family said...

I am sad (though releaved) to report that my amish beard is gone. I'm growing my hair out for a Mohawk should be good to go just in time for the baby photos. Grandma and Grandad will be happy!