Wednesday 26 July 2006

Full update.. meant for the church forum thing...

The church forum doesnt love me...
So i am posting -reposting this here...

Hi everyone,My 5th time in Estonia started exactly 2 months ago today and it has been a really brilliant time so far..For my first 9 days out here i had my Dad and brother with me which was really nice they make good roadies, pay for food and travel and are easily impressed by my language skills... Since getting back the majority of what i have been involved in has been outreach concerts with the band which have been going well. we have been getting concerts about twice a week! which is... nice added into that i am writing this update from inside the studio where we are presently recording our songs which is pretty exciting, but involves way too much waiting around... BoB also managed to burn out Kristjans car on the way to a concert more recently which was... interesting there are loads of pictures and even a video up on if you like carnage... Thankfully we were all ok and thankfully we unloaded everything as soon as the car started smoking so the only thing of value that we lost was the petrol in the tank which thankfully the guys we played our next concert with more than covered the cost of.. Thankyou to anyone who has been praying for me and my safety we have an amazing God and we certainly felt so after that weekend.. The church in Pärnu whom i work with is currently trying to buy its first building after renting almost everything available since being started 15yrs ago. Its a massive step and needs a lot of prayer we actually are now meeting in the building we are hoping to buy as the lease was up on the old building before we got confirmation from the bank about a mortgage so its quite an odd situation at the moment... The youth group meetings on tuesdays are going well we have been getting about 25-40 youths every week and almost as many on sundays so the youth currently make up the majority of the church...
Coming up soon the young people of Sool Ja Valgus together with BoB are going to be putting together a pair of evangalistic tours one of the small villages of estonia to bless the people out there and to get the gospel out.. And the other around Pärnu to basically do the same thing again and make sure people know where the church is based nowerdays... All in all everything has been going brilliantly.. BoB has had even more prophetic words spoken over them about evangalising over the whole of Europe which we are taking to take on board now which means will soon be in english as well so that its a little bit more easy to understand for those people out there (there must be a few) who are yet to make the leap to embracing Estonian language...
Ok so i am back in England in september on the 5th after what is shaping up to be a very busy august I am fairly sure again that this is not going to be my last time in Estonia so i will be trying to get work to raise funds to come back out here again.. Please keep praying for me that God will use me and keep me save and for the church out here for growth and strength see you all soonGod Bless

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