Wednesday 5 July 2006

First week or so 5th time in Estonia...

Hey, So i have been here now for just a little over a week (I think) and i have so far had a pretty layed back time... i had my brother and dad out with me for the first 9 days so did lots of tourist'y things, ate lots of expensive food, spent too much time messing around at the beach and didnt spend any of my own money :D
So far i have had 3 or 4 conserts including one at a wedding :O all of which where pretty fun... oh and i went to finland with my dad brother and Kris to collect Kristjans new guitar head unit... which is ridiculously loud and expensive and pretty...
The day before yesterday me Jaanus, Kris and Lauri spent about 8hours pimping Jaanus's guitar cabinet which was fun and the results where awesome.. it kind of set me thinking a little about creation we put in a total of about 32 man hours of work on this cab and it was something we can all be proud of and it was blessed in so many ways but when you compare it to even some of the simple elements of the planet we live on the construction is shoddy and imprecise... For God to have created this amazingly complex world which we couldnt create ourselves with countless time money and materials and in the end been satisfied that it was good speaks
volumes about God i think...When we finished the cab and put the different elements together we where absolutley stoked.. it was probably the coolest thing is ever made so far in my life.. to say we thought it was good would be an understatement.. this was despite small mistakes in lots of places... God made this Universe and saw that it was "good" Gods Good is just so far above our good that its unreal and he still loves us warts and all... whoop...
Oh and Tarvo who plays bass in BoB has gone to the army now... :( thats sad.. its kind of funny how life ebs and flows how changes happen sometimes against what we would wish for but normally to a good end result (and always to and interesting new one)
More stuff has happened probably aswel.. but its not coming to mind right now.. next week is going to be manic we have 3 gigs i have i think 3 outreaches and i have to play football with the band against some americans... its going to be fun :)
God Bless...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woop! Paul is blogging again! I was suprised when I saw your picture, you look bone dry ha ha... Keep up the good work and have lots of fun my friend. God bless, Rosie xx