Thursday 8 November 2007

Update... yes i am still alive...

A lot has been going on recently here in Pärnu with guests in the church this last month from Sweden, Greece, Finland, Malaysia, Germany, The US and the UK and with more to come next month from at the very least the UK (arriving in time for our joint birthday party) there has been lots to do!

Me and Maarja have been settling into and settling back into our jobs respectively and have been getting used to spreading our wings, being married, playing concerts, living together, cooking, cleaning, paying bills etc and have been getting stuck in together at Sool Ja Valgus working with the young people and getting stuck in with the worship team.

We have been very blessed with a wonderful apartment which is rent free (Thanks to Alari and Katrin) which is allowing us to both work part time and still have enough to cover the bills and feed ourselves and enough time to invest our time in the young people and the church.

We have also had the patter of tiny feet… shocking I know… WE ALREADY have mice! And not just mice… Super-mice, mice who steal mouse traps and whom we have been feeding 3 bags of poison a week to no avail! This has led us to make a rash decision and to decide that we would rather spend our rat poison money on a more joyous solution… We have adopted a kitten… Bosa… who we hope will solve our problem once she grows a little…

It has been quite a humbling experience for me to take a paid job out here, despite my Estonian being good enough for conversations and day to day needs it isn’t perfect and my Russian language skills are still non-existent both of which have limited my employment possibilities considerably

I have however been blessed with a job at a good friend from churches business… a car wash so I now earn pre-tax 21.5eek per hour (about 95p) and although the cost of living is lower here, proportionally (taking into account wage differences) the cost of living is more expensive..

Prayers for God’s continued provision and blessing on our lives would be much appreciated

God’s provision this month has been so incredibly visible, we have run out of money about 5 times (only having had left over English wages and left over gift money from the honeymoon and setting the apartment up) and every time just before we switched to a potato only diet (potatoes being in season and hence costing 20p per kilo) we have been given money or vouchers or food from friends and family without having to ask (anyone other than the big J), its been a lesson in worrying less and trusting God for me as every time we got low on cash I worried up till the last cent and then gave up and accepted that we need God to provide for us! At which point without fail, bam God provides..

Speaking of which we have been invited on a missions trip to Mongolia/China next summer which we both feel really excited about and have been praying about but we urgently need Provision for.. our wages here are enoughenough to cover our bills and feed us we have no money left over to save up for big things… like flights all the way across the world.. We need about 800gbp to get our flights and another 1200 to cover internal travel, food and other expenses for the trip the 1200 we don’t need until we go but the 800 grows with every month we can’t afford tickets.

We had in our hearts set aside my tax rebate which should be with us in a month or so to pay for one of our tickets but sadly this weekend my laptop decided its likes green! That is to say that it doesn’t want to display any other colours most of the time! It seems to be a connection issue to my mind but on the advice of 3 computer shops the only way to fix it... Is a new screen which would cost about 300gbp + labour which is slightly more than the value of the laptop

So it looks like that plan is out the window and I instead need to replace the laptop first as without it we lose contact with friends and family back in the UK and lose the ability to help out with the video and image editing which the church needs…

Anyone you know who is in a position to and of the inclination to bless us please encourage them to and pray that God will blow us away again this month with his incomprehensible massiveness, his father love and provision

Stay in touch

God Bless

Maarja and Paul

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What's been happening? Would love to hear from you both. Write a new blog :o)

Love and Christmassy greetings,