Thursday 22 March 2007


OK so i am not going to go into detail about anything for a while but i have experienced a massive answer to prayer and i am plain and simple over the moon, God is Good...

Pray for Wisdom, Guidance and that things will work out well these next few days as its a bit of a crunch time potentailly...

In other news... The Place Prep is kinda scaring me a bit.. we have the ideas solidly in place for the video but ideas are not a fun part of a show without the work being put in to make them a reality... long story short we have had some actor fatigue a lack of a camera and now one actor/director/camera arranger hanging out in Tallinn "Because its fun!" not seeming to appreciate that a week is not long enough to edit 4 videos...
Its also a little bit scary right now because the place always tends to pull together at the last minute which is never anything but nerve-racking and this time even more so.. no-one has so far done what the intended as far as i know so i guess we will be having a meeting soon to check people still intend to get everything done as for me i am going to be stuck behind my laptop for a week as soon as i get myself stuck behind a camera (which we still dont have) for a day
On the topic of the posters i have done them.. i am not that lazy the only problem is i have produced 4 posters so far each being admired for its beauty but in some way felt to be flawed enough to warrant a re-design so i am currently re-working the latest which will be printing at the weekend for deffinite...

Well Pray for me as much as you can,

God Bless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaay, I'm glad you've had an answer to your prayer, whatever it was! I will be thinking + praying for you and The Place, I expect it will go superbly. Take care Pablo!